Friday, December 27, 2019

6 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Negotiating a Raise

6 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Negotiating a Raise6 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Negotiating a Raise Some people are hired to do a job and expect to receive regular raises every few months or so, whether they really earned them or leid. Unfortunately, employers are not about to start handing out raises just for the sake of handing out raises. Employees need to earn those raises , and this means going beyond hard work alone. Before you ask for a raise, you need to think long and hard about why you deserve it so you can make a good case to your employer. Here are six questions you should ask yourself before you go in and ask for that raise.Some companies do give raises after just a few months, but if yours doesnt follow this practice, you really should wait until you have been working there for one full year. Throughout this time period, you will have had the opportunity to learn,grow and prove that you are a valuable asset to the company. You cant really do th is in just a few short months.Of course, there are some exceptions to this rule. For instance, if you have been given a lot of extra responsibilities in your first few months with the company and you have proven that you can take on the extra work and be productive, your employer may consider this a good enough reason to give you a raise before you have been there for a full year. If this is not the case, wait until a year has passed.If you received a raise within the last six months to a year, it may be too soon to go in and ask for another one. In most cases, it is best to ask for raises annually. Again, this has a lot to do with the fact that you need to be able to prove that you are productive, and that your productivity will continue to be ongoing after you receive that raise.Again, there are some exceptions that can apply here. You may have taken on a larger workload, or extra responsibilities. Maybe you went above and beyond the call of duty, and put in a lot of overtime hours to pick up any slack. If youve done something that really shows you are worthy of a raise less than a year after your last one, you can consider asking for one.You are not going to get a raise just because you have worked with a company for a year or longer. You need to be able to show that you really deserve the raise, and this means that your value to the company must have increased. An employer is not going to give someone a raise if they are not providing any real value to the company .You may think that you deserve a raise because the cost of living is going up, or because there has been a raise in the minimum wage - but remember, employers dont tend to raise salaries unless you can prove that you deserve it based on your work.These days, it is not enough to simply meet the expectations of your employer. If you want to be recognized, and earn raises, you need to exceed their expectations If you are going above and beyond, they are likely going to increase the amount of your raise, says Andy Beresford, MD at luxury games room supplier and high-end swimming-pool table retailer Home Leisure Direct .Unfortunately, there are likely a lot of people who would love to take your job. If your work isnt up to par and you ask for a raise, you might actually end up finding yourself in the unemployment line. It may be time to buckle down and really show them what you are made of. Then, in a few months, you will be able to ask for a raise, and they should be mora willing to give it to you.No matter how well youre doing in your job, it may not be the right time to ask for a raise. For instance, if the company is in transition, such as going through restructuring or a merger , its almost certainly not the right time. Sadly, even if you truly deserve it, there isnt much that can be done until the transition period is complete. But, on the bright side, this gives you even more time to prove your worth to the company.In time, when there is more money to work with, youll likely get your raise. In fact, if you wait to ask, they could see you as being understanding of their needs, and, as a result, be more willing to work with you.Obviously, there is always the chance that no matter how great of an employee you are, and how valuable you are to the company, your employer ends up saying no anyway. How are you going to react if this happens? Its not a good idea to show emotion, because it isnt going to help you - it could just make your employer feel bad that they are unable to accommodate your request.Even if you think that youre a shoo-in for a raise, you might want to practice your reaction to a refusal. That way, youll be prepared, and will be able to maintain a professional demeanor even if all you want to do is scream or cry.Using these questions, you should be able to plan for the ideal time to ask for a raise. But if youve got any further thoughts on when the best time to negotiate a raise is, or any other considerations you should be ask ing yourself before attempting to get a raise, why not share them in the comments below?

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Six things that kill morale in the workplace

Six things that kill morale in the workplaceSix things that kill morale in the workplaceWhat makes you happy at work? Maybe you have a great boss who gives you the freedom to be creative, rewards you for going the extra mile, and helps you to reach your career goals.Maybe you have none of the above and are updating your rsum as we speak.Its pretty incredible how often you hear managers complaining about their best employees leaving, and they really do have something to complain about- few things are as costly and disruptive as good people walking out the door.But managers tend to blame their turnover problems on everything under the sun while ignoring the crux of the matter people dont leave jobs they leave managers.Bad management does bedrngnis discriminate based on salary or job title. A Fortune 500 executive team can experience mora dissatisfaction and turnover than the baristas at a local coffee shop. The more demanding your job is and the less control you have over what you do, the more likely you are to suffer. A study by the American Psychological Association found that people whose work meets both these criteria are more likely to experience exhaustion, poor sleep, anxiety, and depression.The sad thing is that this suffering can easily be avoided. All thats required is a new perspective and some extra effort on the managers part to give employees autonomy and make their work feel less demanding. To get there, managers must understand what theyre doing to kill morale. The following practices are the worst offenders, and they must be abolished if youre going to hang on to good employees.1 Overworking peopleNothing burns good employees out quite like overworking them. Its so tempting to work the best people hard that managers frequently fall into this trap. Overworking good employees is perplexing for them as it makes them feel as if theyre being punished for their great performance. Overworking employees is also counterproductive. New research from Stanfo rd showed that productivity per hour declines sharply when the workweek exceeds 50 hours, and productivity drops off so much after 55 hours that you dont get anything out of working more. Talented employees will take on a bigger workload, but they wont stay if their job suffocates them in the process. Raises, promotions, and title-changes are all acceptable ways to increase workload. If managers simply increase workload because people are talented, without changing a thing, these employees will seek another job that gives them what they deserve.2 Holding people backAs an employee, you want to bring value to your job, and you do so with a unique set of skills and experience. So how is it that you can do your job so well that you become irreplaceable? This happens when managers sacrifice your upward mobility for their best interests. If youre looking for your next career opportunity, and your boss is unwilling to let you move up the ladder, your enthusiasm is bound to wane. Taking awa y opportunities for advancement is a serious morale killer.Management may have a beginning, but it certainly has no end. When blessed with a talented employee, its the managers job to keep finding areas in which they can improve to expand their skill set and further their career. The most talented employees want feedback- more so than the less talented ones- and its a managers job to keep it coming. Otherwise, people grow bored and complacent.3 Playing the blame gameA boss who is too proud to admit a mistake or who singles out individuals in front of the group creates a culture that is riddled with fear and anxiety. Its impossible to bring your best to your work when youre walking on eggshells. Instead of pointing fingers when something goes wrong, good managers work collaboratively with their team and focus on solutions. They pull people aside to discuss slip-ups instead of publicly shaming them, and theyre willing to accept responsibility for mistakes made under their leadership.4 Frequent threats of firingSome managers use threats of termination to keep you in line and to scare you into performing better. This is a lazy and shortsighted way of motivating people. People who feel disposable are quick to find another job where theyll be valued and will receive the respect that they deserve.5 Not letting people pursue their passionsTalented employees are passionate. Providing opportunities for them to pursue their passions improves their productivity and job satisfaction, but many managers want people to work within a little box. These managers fear that productivity will decline if they let people expand their focus and pursue their passions. This fear is unfounded. Studies have shown that people who are able to pursue their passions at work experience flow, a euphoric state of mind that is five times more productive than the norm.6 Withholding praiseIts easy to underestimate the power of a pat on the back, especially with top performers who are intrinsically motivated. Everyone likes kudos, none more so than those who work hard and give their all. Managers need to communicate with their people to find out what makes them feel good (for some, its a raise for others, its public recognition) and then to reward them for a job well done. With top performers, this will happen often if youre doing it right. This doesnt mean that managers need to praise people for showing up on time or working an eight-hour day- these things are the price of entry- but a boss who does not give praise to dedicated employees erodes their commitment to the job.Bringing it all togetherIf managers want their best people to stay, they need to think carefully about how they treat them. While good employees are as tough as nails, their talent gives them an abundance of options. Managers need to make people want to work for them.This article first appeared on LinkedIn.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Top Paying Animal Careers By Industry

Top Paying Animal Careers By IndustryTop Paying Animal Careers By IndustryThere are a number of animal career options that offer a salary in the range of $50,000 or more per year. 214 Watch Now 7 Careers Perfect for Animal Lovers Veterinary Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Veterinary pharmaceutical abverkauf reps market a variety of animal health products to veterinarians and veterinary clinics. There are both inside sales (office cousined) and outside sales (travel) career paths in this field. The salary for pharmaceutical sales reps usually includes a combination of base salary, commission, company car, and benefits. Total compensation varies based on sales volume and years of experience, but salary usually ranges from $59,122 to $119,826 according to Pet Product Sales Representative Pet product sales reps (also known as manufacturers reps) market a variety of pet products such as food, treats, toys, accessories, and crates. There are both inside sales (off ice based) and outside sales (travel) career paths in this field. The salary for pet product sales reps often includes a combination of base salary, commission, company car, and bonuses. According to, theaverage salary for positions in this field was $79,000 in 2011. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported a similar median wage of $70,200 for sales reps in a 2008 salary survey. Livestock Feed Sales Representative Livestock feed sales reps market feed products to dealers and livestock production farms. Most positions are field based. The salary for a livestock feed sales rep often includes a combination of base salary, commission, company car, and bonuses. The median wage is $70,200 according to the BLS but can vary widely based on sales volume. Veterinarian Veterinarians provide health care to a variety of species. Vets can operate as small animal, large animal, equine, exotic, or mixed practice providers. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, theaverage salary for veterinarians right out of school is $62,424 for small animal practitioners and $64,744 for large animal practitioners. The average salary for established practitioners is $97,000 for companion animal practice, $85,000 for equine practice, and $103,000 for food animal practice. Board certified specialists can earn much higher salaries. Farrier Farriers (sometimes referred to as blacksmiths) provide comprehensive equine foot care services. Duties generally involve routine trimming, modifying and applying shoes, and evaluating potential causes of lameness. A farriers salary depends on how many horses he can service per day. A 2011 survey from the American Farriers Journal indicated that experienced full-time farriers earn an average salary of $92,600 (up from an average salary of $80,000 in 2008). Marine Biologist Marine biologists study a wide variety of aquatic life, though many choose to specialize in working with a specific species or group of animals . Marine biologists may work in research, education, or private industry. A marine biologists salary can vary from $40,000 for entry-level work to more than $110,000 for scientists with significant experience or advanced degrees. Wildlife Biologist Wildlife biologists manage and study populations of animals in the wild. Duties may involve animal census studies, trapping and tagging animals, and developing habitat management plans. Wildlife biologists may work in education, research, or for the state or federal government. According to the 2010 BLS salary survey, the median salary for wildlife biologists was $61,660. Positions with the federal government offered an annual mean wage of $77,030, while positions in research offered a similar annual mean wage of $72,410. Zoologist Zoologists are biologists that study a variety of animal species most upper-level positions require a Ph.D. degree. They may be involved with research, management, and education. Zoologists frequently w ork at zoos, aquariums, and in positions for the state or federal government. According to, the average salary for zoologists is $62,000. Positions with the government or in research roles offered higher annual mean wages above $70,000. Animal Nutritionist Animal nutritionists create and balance animal rations to ensure dietary requirements are met. Positions in this field can be found with a wide variety of employers such as zoos, colleges, research labs, farms, pharmaceutical companies, and feed development companies. Animal nutritionists earned an average salary of $61,000 in 2011 according to The BLS quoted a similar salary of $60,180 in its 2010 salary study for food scientists. BLS data also indicated scientists employed by the animal food manufacturing industry earned about $70,060. Fish Game Warden Fish and game wardens are authorized to enforce rules and regulations related to wildlife in their patrol area. Wardens may arrest violators, seize weapons or game, assist with research, and investigate thedamage caused by wildlife. According to the BLS, the annual mean salary for fish and game wardens is $56,540 for state government positions and $49,420 for local government positions.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Should You Dumb Down Your Resume to Get a New Job

Should You Dumb Down Your Resume to Get a New JobShould You Dumb Down Your Resume?Should You Dumb Down Your Resume to Get a New JobImagine yourself in this situation Youre an experienced professional in your late 50s whose background includes high-level managerial positions over the last 10 years. One day, you find yourself laid off. You begin to look for aleidher job, but you cant seem to land an interview in spite of your best efforts. They just dont want someone with your extensive experience.So, you realize you may need to take a step or two down the career ladder. And, with less than a decade to retirement, maybe you dont even want abedrngnisher top-level position.Then, you wonder if youre not getting anywhere because youre overqualified. So, do you downplay your high-level experience? Maybe rewrite your resume by changing those Manager titles to Supervisor and eliminating words like Senior or Executive. Ahhh you think. This can improve my chancesOr can it?The practice is called dumbing down your resume. Since a resume is all about marketing your skills and experience to land a job interview, dumbing down the extensive experience in your resume might help you over that important hurdle. But at the same time, it could expose you to accusations of not being honest and forthright about your work history.Lets look at how someone might dumb down a resumeORIGINAL VERSION ABC Company Anywhere, USA 2006-2009 Senior Accounting ManagerOversaw day-to-day accounting operations of $500 million consumer products goods manufacturerSupervised team of accountants that grew from 8 to 12Led process re-engineering effort that resulted in 35% faster cash-to-bank, 20% faster time-to-bill, and 15% improvement in revenue collectionEstablished daily cash balance monitoring to ensure adequate cash flow for operating and capital expensesDUMBED-DOWN VERSION ABC Company Anywhere, USA 2006-2009 Accounting SupervisorSupervised accounting function for $500 million consumer products goods manufacturerCollaborated in process re-engineering effort that resulted in 35% faster cash-to-bank, 20% faster time-to-bill, and 15% improvement in revenue collectionEstablished daily cash balance monitoring to ensure adequate cash flowYoure not being dishonest in the second example. In fact, youre telling the truth, just not the whole truth. By editing the parts of the job description that are not relevant to the position youre seeking, youre marketing yourself better for a job at a company that might be scared by the word senior or manager in your job title. If you really need a job as quickly as possible, you might be compelled to take this approach.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Unanswered Questions Into Skills on a Resume Disclosed

Unanswered Questions Into Skills on a Resume Disclosed What is Really Happening with Skills on a Resume Most standard resume formats incorporate a skill section at or close to the bottom of the resume. Resume writing needs to be carried out to be able to sell yourself in market. Theres a lengthy collection of font but you ought to use the normal font employed for resume writing. You may find below a list of the greatest skills you may put on your resume based on the sort of job which you are applying for. You also should try and learn how information is communicated within the business. You might find it helpful to practice your customer tafelgeschirr abilities. Enhancing your customer service skills will be able to help you move from providing fantastic customer service to great customer services. On-line job search that involves going directly to company internet sites is a great way to introduce yourself to the business in which you think that may be interested. The Good, the Bad and Skills on a Resume Understanding how much you fit in the position requirements, you are feeling confident that you are going to be receiving a call from the Human Resource Manager. One-for-all kind of resumes may be spotted, and are usually discounted by HR. Hard skills have a tendency to be more technical, and each business or kind of job will often have its rolleal necessary set. There are a few skills that will be totally necessary for any successful candidate. A Startling Fact about Skills on a Resume Uncovered Instead, you ought to showcase your soft skills by producing an achievement-oriented expert experience section. You may use a on-line search engine to discover no cost on-line presentations of skills. Soft skills are a little bit more vague and open to interpretation. You ought to be including communication skills on your resume but it ought to be accomplished indirectly. Key Pieces of Skills on a Resume Before you buy a work offer, you have t o have a resume. You probably will not locate the job which you really want immediately. You will also want to learn who held the job before the previous person and the reason why they left the job. You really need to find out more about the job and company (starting with the work description) and place the abilities and keywords THEY mention. New Questions About Skills on a Resume Bear in mind that even if youre a seasoned candidate, your job relevant qualities can create a difference in receiving you the interview call. A skills resume also allows you to showcase what you could do rather than focus on a string of jobs. 1 approach to insure the interview is a true conversation where both sides leave the interview having learned something is to do a little bit of research and have a number of questions prepared for the interviewer. If you believe you might require help, its well worth the expense to employ an expert writer or go to a career counselor. The Importance of Skill s on a Resume Dependent on the help of our expert sources, here are a couple of broad sorts of skills your resume could include, together with unique methods to express them. There are various styles that may be used when composing your resume. If youre uncertain how to phrase your skills, or in case you would like examples of objective statements, binnensee some job websites for ideas. Remember theres a demand for your skills in the market and theres someone out there searching for you. The Birth of Skills on a Resume When you understand the core potential of an individual, youll also see their peak potential. Dont be afraid to ask the questions you were ready to ask. The fundamental structure of a face or a vehicle will provide you with the clues to their true potential or the most operation of the vehicle. Review their About Us page and see whether your soft abilities or attributes are aligned with the providers core values. So How About Skills on a Resume? Some skills might be relevant while others arent. 3 First, you have to select the best skills for your resume. Job-specific skills vary dependent on the position. Has up-to-date abilities and the capability to learn new abilities and procedures without difficulty. Skills If there are a number of forms of skills which are important to the job which youre applying for, you can include several skills list in your resume. As stated earlier, assessing soft skills is considerably more difficult. More technical or computer-centric hard skills are occasionally also known as technical skills. There are lots of skills which are equally transferable to any job. Choosing Skills on a Resume Is Simple Most jobs require that you have a fundamental comprehension of computer programs like Excel and Microsoft Office, in addition to skills in internet navigation, social networking sites and emaille systems. In addition to the practical demand for developers in virtually every organization, programming skills demonstrate advanced problem solving skills that may bring about a well-rounded professional. Some folks choose professional resume writing services to find an edge, but if youre seeking to do it yourself, you have to have the appropriate presentation to even be a contender. Let they know you are looking for a new opportunity. Helping you find out more about the employer and should the job and culture fits your perfect job, there are a group of questions that you should normally always ask. Whether youre searching for your very first job or your next one, you want a resume that shows employers that youre a skilled professional. Alas, a lot of people dont understand the significance of stylizing their resume in a manner that matches their prospective employer. Your skills are an overview of what you could do for the possible employer if you were offered the work at the moment.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Thales Women In Leadership Share Their Advice

Thales Women In Leadership Share Their Advice Three top, female executives in Thales USA take time out of their day to talk about women in the field of STEM, taking on leadership roles, and the advice theyd like to share with other women in the workforce. Giving advice to other women in the workforce, Cindy Provin, President of Thales e-Security, Susanne Reed, VP Marketing & Communications at Thales USA, and Johanne Lecomte, VP Sales & Business Development at Thales Alenia Space, talk about how to get ahead, how to make things happen and how to take control of your career path.Are you interested in joining their team at Thales?Click here to see all available opportunities at Thales, and dont forget to press Follow to receive custom job matches, veranstaltung invitations and mora One of the biggest challenges in almost all industries today is achieving gender parity. Gender diversity provides huge benefits in the workplace. pWhile some indu stries have made significant advancements in gender diversity, some industries lag further behind... and the construction industry is well-known for being in the latter category. If someone says, construction workers, youll likely picture a group of men in yellow hard hats analyzing an architects plans or laying bricks on top of a scaffold. And men at work signs only help to reinforce this image.pThis stereotype is rooted in reality. When was the last time you actually spotted a woman on a construction site? Or hired a female plumber or carpenter? Your answer is most likely never. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statisticsreports that only 3.4% of the total of 8.3 million construction employees are women.pBut the construction industry has a lot more to offer than steel-toed boots and hard hats, and it needs women to help advance the industry in this era of rapid change. Here are 5 reasons why women joining the workforce or looking to make a pivot should consider a career in constructio n.h21. Fuel Innovation/h2pNot only is diversity the socially and morally right thing to do, but it is also actually an excellent business strategy. pResearch presented in the Harvard Business Reviewshows that diverse teams develop more innovative ideas. This is further supported by a study conducted by Gallupon the performance of gender-diverse teams versus single-gender teams, which found that the difference in backgrounds and perspectives led to better business performance and problem-solving. h22. Capitalize on Demand/h2pThe construction industry is currently experiencing a labor shortage. The industry itself is booming and projected to be one of the fastest-growing industries, with total spending projected to exceed $1.45 trillion in 2023/a. However, most construction companies are unable to meet the rising demand. pAccording to the Associated General Contractors of America/a, more than 80% of contractors are experiencing difficulties filling hourly craft positions that represen t the bulk of the construction workforce.pAnd demand isnt limited to individual contributor roles. Given the industry boom, there are a number of open stable and high-paying roles (any project managers out there?) waiting for the right candidateh23. Leadership Opportunities/h2pAccording to the Bureau of Labor Statistics/a, women compose only 7.7% of the total 1 million managerial positions in given the highly collaborative nature of construction work, more women in leadership roles would help drive innovation and enhance productivity.Furthermore, as a woman in construction in a leadership position, youd have the unique opportunity to drive change for the industry and make it a more attractive option for other women.h24. High-Income Potential/h2pSalaries for many skilled positions in construction are on the rise, making a construction career a prime choice for women looking for a high-paying job,pThe 2018 Construction Craft Salary Surveyconducted by the National Center for Construction Education and Research revealed that salaries for many skilled craft areas are increasing. Project managers and project supervisors topped the list at $92,523 and $88,355, respectively. The next set of highest-paying jobs include those of kofferverstrker welders ($71,067), instrumentation technicians ($70,080), pipe welders ($69,222), power line workers ($68,262) and industrial electricians ($67,269). Of the 32 categories of workers in the survey, 19 positions earned an average salary of $60,000 or higher.h25. Sense of accomplishment/h2p The construction industry can give employees a unique sense of achievement. Yes, the job is stressful and the work can be demanding, but nothing beats the feeling of being able to build something from the ground up. pHow many professionals in other industries can point at a school, a hospital, or a skyscraper and say I helped build that?pThe construction industry has a long way to go in combating gender bias and supporting wo men in the workforce, but given the current demand for workers, theres no better time to pick up a sledgehammer (figurative or literal) and smash the gender stereotypes plaguing the construction industry.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Occupational Therapy Aide - Career Information

Occupational Therapy Aide - Career InformationOccupational Therapy Aide - Career InformationAn occupational therapy aide (OT Aide) prepares materials and equipment for occupational therapists(OTs) and assistants(OTAs). He or she also helps patients get to and from treatment rooms. Occupational therapy involves rehabilitating individuals who havelost their ability to perform activities of daily livingdue to an illness, injury, or disability. An OT aide may also perform clerical duties such as answering phones, scheduling appointments, and filing patient records. Unlike an occupational therapist or an occupational therapy assistant, an OT aide does elend provide direct patient care, but he or she helps facilitate treatment by providing support for those who do. Quick Facts About Occupational Therapy Aides They earned amedian annual salary of $28,330 or $13.62 per hour in 2016.In 2014, approximately 9,000people were employed in this occupation.Most worked in occupational therapists offices, nursing care facilities, and hospitals.Employment is expected to grow much faster than the average for all occupations through 2024. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has declared occupational therapy assistant a Bright Outlook career because of itsexcellentjob outlook. How to Become an Occupational Therapy Aide To get an entry-level position, you will need just a high school or equivalency diploma. Your employer will provide on-the-job training that will last from a few days to a few weeks. You will learn how to set up equipment and keep treatment rooms germ-free. WhatSoft SkillsDo You Need to Succeed in This Career? These are some of the soft skills OT aides need to succeed in this field Active Listening Strong listening skills will allow you to understand, and therefore, follow instructions from occupational therapists and assistants. It will also help you care for your patients.Verbal Communication You must be able to clearly convey information to your colleag ues and patients.Interpersonal Skills In addition to excellent listening and speaking skills, you must be able to understand non-verbal cues, coordinate your actions with others, and show empathy and sympathy.Service Orientation You must have adesire to help people. Detail Oriented Attention to detail is imperative, especially when it comes to following therapists instructions, keeping treatment rooms clean and tidy, and helping patients complete forms. Roles and Responsibilities Job announcements on and show that Occupational Therapy Aides perform the following tasks Assiststaff occupational therapists in their treatment of assigned patientsPrepare the treatment area, patient,and equipment for treatmentMaintaina safe, clean environmentPerformongoing inventory of equipment and materials to ensure adequate supply. Notifies department manager of ordering needsParticipates in all infection control, departmental equipment training, organizational safety, a nd fire safety programs Differences Between an Occupational Therapy Aide and an Occupational Therapist Assistant OT aides and assistants differ from one another significantly regarding their educational requirements and job duties. OT aides need only a high school or equivalency diplomawhile OT assistants must earn an associate degree from an accredited training program. Assistants must be licensed or registered by the state in which they want to work. There is no such requirement for aides. Occupational therapist assistants help patients do therapeutic activities under an occupational therapists supervision. OT aides are responsible only for tasks that are indirectly related to patient care. What Will Employers Expect From You? Here are some requirements from actual job announcements found onIndeed.comand SimplyHired Must maintain confidentiality of all proprietary and/or confidential informationAble to lift, transfer, and guard patients safely with appropriate assistance w ithout likelihood of injury to the patient or oneselfExcellent communication (both oral and written) skillsMust have basic computer and office equipment experienceCapable of following standard procedures and detailed instructionsKnowledge of basic medical terminology desirable Is This Occupation a Good Fit for You? Holland Code SRC (Social, Realistic, Conventional)MBTI PersonalityTypes ISFJ, ESFJ,ESFP, ISFP Take thisquizto find out if you should become an occupational therapy aide. Related Occupations OccupationDescriptionMedian Annual Wage (2016)Minimum Required Education/TrainingPhysical Therapy AidesPrepares and cleans treatment rooms, maintains equipment and supplies, and performs clerical tasks for physical therapists$25,680HS or Equivalency Diploma + on-the-job trainingPharmacy TechnicianHelps pharmacists fill prescriptions$30,920HS or Equivalency Diploma + on-the-job training or postsecondary training programPsychiatric AideMonitors patients in a psychiatric facility and helps them with tasks of daily living$30,970HS or Equivalency DiplomaMedical AssistantTends to administrative and clinical tasks in a doctors office$31,540HS or Equivalency Diploma + postsecondary training SourcesBureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor,Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2016-17 (visited September 11, 2017).Employment and Training Administration, U.S. Department of Labor,O*NET zugreifbar(visited September 11, 2017).

Sunday, November 24, 2019

High-School Buddy, Job Connection

High-School Buddy, Job ConnectionHigh-School Buddy, Job ConnectionBlaine Helmick got help from an old friend to score a new job.Blaine Helmick never thought he would land his next job through social networking.The IT director for a hospitality company in Orlando, Fla., had been with his former company for nine years and was ready for a change. He joined Ladders Job Search Consultation Program and received advice that he didnt expect - join LinkedIn.Im not a social-networking kind of guy, Helmick said.But he was open-minded, and he tried to contact someone at Disney by seeking referrals through his extended network on LinkedIn.He was kind of hesitant to do that because he only knew a few CEOs, said Mallory Labriola, Helmicks personal job-search consultant through Ladders program.Like Helmick, many of Labriolas clients in the $100K-plus market tend only to think about other high-level executives as possible networking contacts. By contrast, Labriola said, mid-level connections can be just as valuable, especially when professionals use social networking to leverage them.I would really stress to him that you dont only use connections that are high-level, Labriola said. With every lower-level contact, you get another 200 people as well.There were several layers of contacts between Helmick and his target, and when one of them - the father of an old high-school pal - saw his resume, the man just couldnt reisepass it along. He wanted Helmick for himself.His friends dad worked for the president of Technomedia Solutions - another hospitality organization in Orlando that offered Helmick a lot of upside.Helmick was learning quickly that the world of social networking is a small one.You never know who your buddy from high school knows, he said. I never thought that social networking would have contributed the way that it has.Helmick wound up interviewing for the Director of Information and Creative Technologies position at Technomedia and got the job.Helmick said hes v ery pleased with his results Technomedia has a lot of room for growth and he is performing a larger variety of creative multimedia installations to a bigger list of prestigious customers.The top three takeaways from his job search ?Go into it with an open mind.Hire a consultant.Be responsive to criticism and direction.Had he not done all three of those, Helmick said he wouldnt have been in the position to advance his career.While he wont be joining Facebook any time soon, Helmick did admit that the experience has given him a new outlook on that type of medium.My mind is definitely changed about the power of social networking, he said.Helmick said hes also sold on the Job Search Consultation Program because the outside help of a professional broadened his strategy in a way that wouldnt have occurred to him.Its all about building out your network regardless of that persons current position, Ladders Labriola said.As for Helmicks old high-school buddy, I told him on his next trip down here I will be treating him to an exorbitantly expensive dinner, he said.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Recruiter Reinforces Our Resume Advice

Recruiter Reinforces Our Resume AdviceRecruiter Reinforces Our Resume AdviceRecruiter Reinforces Our Resume AdviceWeve addressed the keys to effective resume writing more than once on this blog, but there are some things worth repeating, especially when they come from outside sources who walk the saatkorn steps on the web that we walk, and their advice is just as valuable.Take Steven Coyne, an independent recruiter who runs The Job Hunter Groups Blog. He once wrote a timeless post for, titled 3 Reasons Ill Read Your Resume, that underscores a trio of points we wholeheartedly agree with1. Read every word of the job description and apply only if youre qualified for the job.Give me what I want by writing a short and concise cover letter. It should include a short summary of your experiences that match the job description. If they dont match, dont apply Doing this will help keep your job search focused and prevent you from doing a lot of unnecessary work by applying t o more jobs for which youre not qualified.More on This Topic The Hazards of Resume Promiscuity2. Make your resume easy and breezy to read.Ditch the distracting fonts, the picture of yourself, and the extra words you dont need. In Coynes words Do not ramble Get right to the point. Recruiters quickly grow tired of trying to find information that indicates your qualifications. As for including a picture Who cares what you look like? Many hiring managers or recruiters make stupid assumptions about your looks anyway.More on This Topic Create an Attractive Resume Employers Will Notice3. Use important phrases from the job description.If some of your experience matches the wording in the job description, make it stand out in your resume. This one reason alone will encourage me to call you, Coyne writes. Ill know you read the job description and made sure that you made changes that improve your chances to get a call from me.